Editorial: Elected officials out, appointed officials in
We know you can’t force people to stay in official positions just because people in the community elected them to serve, but the whole thing gets confusing sometimes. In the[…]
We know you can’t force people to stay in official positions just because people in the community elected them to serve, but the whole thing gets confusing sometimes. In the[…]
On Jan. 9, at the regular meeting of the Belleville City Council, 34th District Court Judge Lisa Martin swore into office the two new councilmen appointed to fill two vacancies[…]
At its last meeting of the year on Dec. 21, the Belleville Downtown Development Authority agreed to set up sub-committees to study, brainstorm, and bring back recommendations for projects to[…]
The Belleville High School Varsity Wrestling Team won a first-place trophy on Jan. 7 after the team competed with 18 other teams at the Wyandotte Invitational. Wrestlers who placed individually[…]
The Friends of the Belleville Area District Library will be holding their 2023 annual membership meeting at 11 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 21, in the Cozadd Room of the library. Members[…]
Jerome Henry Curtis, 42, of Van Buren Township, was due for his probable cause conference on July 20 at 34th District Court, but that was adjourned until July 27 because[…]
Our readers often bring questions to us. Sometimes we can answer them and sometimes not. Here are some of the questions they bring that we cannot answer. • Is the[…]
Atchinson Ford, 9800 Belleville Rd., hosted a Community Food Drive from Nov. 28 through Dec. 22, 2022. The Emergency Food Closet at Belleville First United Church at 417 Charles St.[…]
By Marilyn Wood Coordinator, Emergency Food Closet The Emergency Food Closet housed at Belleville First United Methodist Church located at 417 Charles St. has been feeding the hungry in Van[…]
At a special meeting on Dec. 12, the Belleville City Council interviewed four candidates for one position that was vacant on the council because of a resignation. But, by the[…]