At the Sumpter Township board meeting of April 12, Supervisor Johnny Vawters reminded everyone that “we really need a millage passed on May 3.”
He referred to the 1 mill increase being sought for operation of the police department, which includes dispatch.
Vawters gave his thanks to the unions for helping the township reach closer to its goals.
He said so many fire departments are being closed in the state and he wanted to thank the volunteer fire fighters for all their efforts. He also thanked the volunteers at the senior center who use their own gas and time to help. He said there was a party for volunteers on April 15.
Vawters also said there are serious discussions going on with Huron Township for a consolidation of the dispatch department. He said Sumpter dispatchers may have to go to Huron or they could come to Sumpter, “as long as we save jobs.”
In the past, Vawters pointed out that the dispatcher’s job could be done from any location.
Township attorney Rob Young said the previous week he met with the AFSCME, dispatch, and police unions and it was the unanimous decision of all four unions to take a reduction in pay and pay more for benefits.
He said the non-union workers also agreed to participate.
Young also said dispatch services are being consolidated in Southgate, Lincoln Park, and Riverview and ongoing discussions are going on between Sumpter and Huron Township. He stressed nothing would change in service by consolidation.
In other business at the April 12 meeting, the board:
• Approved extending the medical marijuana ordinance another 90 days as Young completes work on the document, which he wants to run by the police department first;
• Approved renewing the township insurance with Burnham and Flower for $125,621, a reduction of $13,000 from last year;
• Approved a lease agreement with the Guidance Center (Head Start) for monthly rent for four classrooms and a kitchen in the community center for $1,415.22;
• Approved a month-to-month contract with Honey Pest Control for six buildings at $35 each per month;
• Approved allowing the Sumpter Progressive League’s use of the PNA Hall for no charge for May 14 with payment of a $110 custodial fee;
• Approved paying warrants of $656,565.04;
• Discussed overtime in the water department and a plan to bring a worker in on weekends as a regular shift, with Trustee Alan Bates noting that the weekend overtime in the past is “hardly enough to worry about to have a worker on weekends”;
• Heard Bates report to resident Mary Ban, who asked about how much less water is being used in the trailer parks. Bates said his figures show between Jan. 1, 2005 and April 7, 2010, there was 4 million gallons per month less of water use in the trailer parks;
• When asked by a resident about whether an emergency manager would be needed in Sumpter, heard attorney Young replay, “We’re aligning our revenues with our expenditures to avoid that” and
• Went into executive session at the request of Jerry Cox who is pursuing a Step 3 grievance process. Cox was present with his attorney.