Van Buren Public Schools cut ribbon on new medical clinic
On Monday, Jan. 30, shortly after 9 a.m., the school board and some staff members and friends gathered to cut the ribbon to officially open the medical clinic / pharmacy[…]
On Monday, Jan. 30, shortly after 9 a.m., the school board and some staff members and friends gathered to cut the ribbon to officially open the medical clinic / pharmacy[…]
Rezoning and site plan approval are still needed for Davenport Brothers Construction to start building its proposed apartment complex at 515 Sumpter Rd., but on Jan. 12 the Belleville Planning[…]
A woman who moved into her Sumpter Township residence at 43350 Willow Rd. last July for a peaceful home for her and her family has found the horror of live[…]
Michigan House of Representatives Speaker Joe Tate, D-Detroit, announced on Jan. 26 the chairpersons for all committees and subcommittees that will be meeting in the 2023-24 legislative session. Rep. Tate[…]
Sheena Devina Green, 63, of Sumpter Township, better known by her maiden name of Sheena Barnes, is set for her pre-trial exam on March 9 at 34th District Court on[…]
At the end of the Jan. 17 meeting of the Van Buren Public Schools Board of Education, School Supt. Pete Kudlak praised the work of the BHS football coach who[…]
Wayne County Director of Public Services Andrew Kandrevas, Wayne County Director of Engineering Sami Khaldi, and DPS Deputy Scott Cabauatan were present to address a large audience at Monday’s regular[…]
At its regular meeting on Jan. 17, the Van Buren Township Board of Trustees approved going out for competitive bids for up to $7 million in a series of tax-exempt,[…]
The Belleville Area District Library has agreed to host a series of classic films, starting with “Double Indemnity” at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 9. The 1944 crime noir film was[…]
Kenneth Ray Barrett, 61, of Willis waived his preliminary exam on Nov. 2 on charges in a hit and run accident and was bound over to circuit court for an[…]