Canton Township Supervisor Pat Williams sent a press release to the Observer newspaper over the week end about a bet on the upcoming high school football game between Canton and Belleville. So, Van Buren Township Supervisor Kevin McNamara responded in kind, sending a news release to the Independent.
Since Belleville High School beat Salem in last Friday’s first play-off game, BHS will be playing Canton at 7 p.m. this Friday at the BHS stadium. Canton had beat Saline on Friday.
McNamara is supporting the Belleville Tigers and Williams the Canton Chiefs. Each appears confident that his home team will advance to win the 2017 Division 1 state tournament district finals and advance to the state regional finals.
VBT Supervisor McNamara challenged Canton Township Supervisor Williams to a friendly wager on the critical game for their respective school districts whose teams have worked so hard to get to this stage in post-season play.
The supervisors have promised to be supportive of the winner of the friendly wager after the game by wearing the winning opponent’s team’s jersey or colors the Friday following the game and to have his photograph taken with the winner in the opponent’s colors in front of the winner’s township sign.
As a sign of reconciliation, the winning supervisor will buy lunch for the losing supervisor at his favorite restaurant.
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