At its regular meeting on Jan. 22, the Van Buren Township Planning Commission unanimously approved sending revisions to the Belleville Road Overlay District ordinance to the township board for consideration.
This was after a public hearing where nobody spoke.
Vidya Krishan, senior principal planner from McKenna Associates, said in a memo, that higher heights are prevalent in almost all new commercial enterprises and mixed-use buildings.
“While the existing height and story limit is reasonable for many commercial uses such as restaurants, retail stores, etc., that function in single or two-story buildings, uses that require additional stories and height such as home improvement stores and hotels are challenged by the lilmitation,” she wrote.
She said based on research into similar uses in other communities, she recommends an amendment to provide more flexibility for future developments.
The current ordinanace calls for maximum building height of 4 stories or 40 feet. The amendment says 4-story buildings may be permitted up to 50 feet, provided that setbacks increase as stated.
In other business at the 53-minute meeting, the commission:
• Approved a 12-month extension of its expired site plan for DTE’s construction of a 1,900-square-foot garage addition to its facility on Haggerty Road. The property has been bid up and awarded, so construction should begin soon, said Alysha D’Agnolo, project manager;
• Discussed the non-residential PUD (planned unit development) draft and decided to wait until they have a final draft before setting a public hearing on the ordinance. There were questions about allowing site condos in an area meant for industrial and office and other concerns. Gage Bellow of McKenna Associates was asked to change the draft and send the new ordinance to committee members and commission members before the next meeting. A public hearing will be set once the ordinance is ready;
• Heard Director Ron Akers summarize the 2024 Planning Commission Annual Activity, Master Plan Update and Public Participation Report, as required by law. Commissioner Jeff Jahr said, “2024 was a busy year.” The lengthy report was unanimously approved to be sent to the township board for consideration;
• Learned Canton Township has sent the planning commission its draft Master Plan and is asking for comments;
• Learned on the Feb. 12 meeting the pond excavation approved by the township board will be on their agenda, as well as the Pulte Homes project;
• Heard Akers announce that a joint meeting of the Van Buren Township, Belleville, and Sumpter Township was scheduled for 5 p.m., Jan. 29, in the Cozadd Room of the Belleville Area District Library; and
• Learned Brittany Zantop, who has been doing the secretary reports for their meetings, has been promoted to a zoning specialist position to help fill the vacancy left when Dan Power resigned. Director Ron Akers said she will do site inspections and planning stuff and, “The township is still in good hands.” Akers said the township has had a difficult time replacing Power, so it is able to promote those from within who have the knowledge to do some of the work.
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