Vern Watson of Sumpter Township, author of the book “Against the Odds, A Story of Inspiration Living the American Dream,” will tell one of the stories from the book at a Ypsilanti church on Feb. 2.
He will share one of the 108 stories from his book that he said was a miracle in his life. Watson said it will be the first time he has told the story in a public setting.
He said until recently he hadn’t shared the story even with his family. Then, with what he calls inspiration, he wanted to make it public and share it with everyone.
Because it was a miracle, he will be sharing it at the church he attends: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 941 S. Grove Rd., Ypsilanti 48198, at 11:10 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 2.
“Come and hear. Come and see. Come and feel the power of this story for yourself,” Watson said. “It will be the best experience you can imagine. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
“Against the Odds, A Story of Inspiration, Living the American Dream” is available from, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, iTunes, and others. The book is sold both as an eBook and a paper book., the online store, is selling it in the paper edition only.
When the book was published in 2024, Watson said he placed a copy in the Belleville Area District Library.
At the church, Watson will be speaking in English, but his story will also be in Spanish at the same time. Besides that, there will be ASL, sign language, available.
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