On Saturday, Jan. 25, after reports of the 2024 annual membership meeting were approved, reports for 2025 given, and new officers elected, the Friends of the Library celebrated 40 years of service with guest speakers and a pizza party.
Ginger Bruder was pointed out as the only member present who has been part of the Friends for all 40 years, since the organization started in 1984.
The Belleville Library was first started 100 years ago, in the 1920s, said Elaine Gutierrez.
Donna Gilkey-Lavin, who was reelected president, listed some of the events sponsored by the Friends, including Memory Cafe, Classic Movies, Bees on the roof, T-shirts for children in the reading programs (designed by Elena Manalp) and the twice-a-year used-book sales that earn money for the library.
Book sales chairperson Gutierrez reported that the Book Nook in the library lobby has become popular and used book sales there are now bringing $800-$900 a month. The total revenue for 2024 in book sales was $9,411.35.
Gutierrez said Carol Shank has been involved with book sales for 20 years.
Gilkey-Lavin especially pointed out that the Belleville Area District Library does not charge for use of its meeting rooms, like other facilities do. She said the library schedules use of the rooms as available and many groups take advantage of the space.
Gilkey-Lavin said she is a member of the League of Women Voters and they need space to promote voting and voter registration. She said many facilities charge $200 or more per hour for use of their space, but not this library and it is appreciated.
Guest speakers included State Rep. Reggie Miller, Van Buren Township Supervisor Kevin McNamara, and Library Director Mary Jo Suchy, who had been asked to speak on how the library bridges the communities of Belleville, Van Buren, and Sumpter.
Rep. Miller thanked all those who supported her healing during recent spinal-column surgery.
Supervisor McNamara praised the 40 years of service and commented he was glad the library built its new building in the city because that left a big parcel over the bridge at the proposed site, where the township can now build a park. He noted the Denton Road Bridge is on schedule.
Belleville Mayor Ken Voigt was unable to attend because he had foot surgery. Samantha Simpson volunteered to read his remarks. She introduced herself as “pro-tem mayor,” as a joke, but some members of the audience thought that’s who she was.
Sumpter Township did not send an official to speak, so longtime Friends member Rick Cichewicz of Sumpter Township, made brief remarks on how important the library’s media center has been to the community.
Library Board President Sharon Peters, who also is a member of Friends, said the community is blessed to have Suchy as director. She said Suchy was evaluated at the last library board meeting and received excellent ratings for her work.
After the pizza was served, Michelle Montour, an artist who serves as voluntary curator for the library, offered a tour to show the different artworks now on display.
Officers elected
Officers for the Friends of the Belleville Area District Library were elected at the Jan. 25 annual meeting: President Donna Gilkey-Lavin, vice president Katerina Tyner, secretary Cheryl Owen, and treasurer Manny Lavin.