Sometimes drivers say they take a different route or shop at a different store just to avoid all the traffic on Belleville Road in Van Buren Township.
Very early in the morning or late at night the traffic is comfortable, but go out on a Saturday afternoon, or any afternoon for that matter, and things get wild.
Menards has the reputation of pulling shoppers from a wide area and it likes to have its stores near freeways, since that’s how many shoppers get there. Menards almost did have a spot next to the freeway in VBT, but it got turned away for what we believe were political reasons, although storm water gets the blame. There also were comments that there would be too much traffic on the North I-94 Service Drive if Menards built in the old Farmer Jack area.
Well, when Menards gets up and running next February or so, we have to expect traffic to pick up a lot between I-94 and its location to the north.
Drivers have been saying Belleville Road is quickly turning into Ford Road in Canton, another super-busy business area.
VBT’s new engineers have been asked to look into some kind of rescue of Belleville Road and it’s possible to put in traffic-calming ideas, we’re told.
And, the rumored Buffalo Wild Wings on Belleville Road in front of Menards should increase traffic, as well.
More traffic comes with development and so here we are developing ourselves into a traffic nightmare. Is it worth it?
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The Belleville Road McDonalds does not have an access drive-way in the rear or on either side so customers are forced to exit/enter at Belleville Road. The traffic-calming idea would be greatly assisted if customers weren’t forced to use Belleville Road as sometimes the southbound traffic on Belleville Road is backed up at the service drive light and customers are stuck in the McDonalds parking lot as there is no where else to go. There is plenty of room to create an access to the boulevard leading into the “Farmer Jack” roadway. This would help with traffic flow because there is a left-turn light at the “Tim Horton traffic light” and there’s also a way to get to Belleville Road by using the Farmer Jack Roadway which will take you to the north service to get to either Belleville Road or Rawsonville Road.