Applications are now being accepted for an annual scholarship that provides financial assistance to students who are aspiring to future roles serving in their community, or to receive education to further their current role.
Additionally, even more Michigan students are now eligible to apply for the Robert R. Robinson Memorial Scholarship, administered by the Michigan Townships Association (MTA).
Under the expanded eligibility, all undergraduate and graduate students in a Michigan college or university who are pursuing a degree in local government administration or similar coursework are now eligible to apply for the scholarship.
In addition, individuals — including high school students –who wish to take educational training courses, seminars or online education that would prepare them to start in (or improve their current role in) a local government role may also apply.
The scholarship is a one-time award, typically up to $1,500, determined on a competitive basis by the applicant’s academic achievement, community involvement and commitment to serving local government. The application deadline is May 31, 2025.
“MTA is proud to offer this annual scholarship to our leaders of tomorrow — and thrilled to expand this opportunity to even more students who seek to serve Michigan’s communities,” said Marilyn Strickland, Newton Township (Mackinac Co.) treasurer and MTA Robinson Scholarship Committee chair. “The scholarship is critical both to students pursuing these aspirations and to all public officials as we work to encourage today’s students to envision a future in public service.”
The scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis. Application requirements include: a letter of recommendation from a professor or instructor, or an elected township official or manager/superintendent, if not yet enrolled; a copy of a resolution of support from an MTA-member township board in good standing; and a short essay on an important issue facing local government.
More information, including an application and sample township resolution, is available at, or by contacting MTA at (517) 321-6467, ext. 229.
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