There were only three items listed for action on Monday’s meeting agenda of the Belleville City Council. Two were tabled and one didn’t need a vote.
A fourth item, that was on the original agenda, was removed before the meeting.
City Manager Jason Smith asked the council to consider a Ritter GIS program for the shutoff of water or breakdown of water mains so workers don’t have to write it down. He said it cuts out the middleman and eliminates errors.
Cost would be $12,000 and $6,600 annually for a 48-month term.
DPW Director Melissa Frierson said when she got here the orders were being texted to employees. When asked, she said she could go to the BSA program and print out these work orders. She said this new program will get it into the city’s GIS City Works system.
After questions, Mayor Voigt said he would like to look into this further and the item was tabled. Smith said he could get someone from Ritter to come to a meeting to explain the program.
Then, the council discussed sub-committees on which members will serve to work on the upcoming budgets for administration, DPW, and public safety.
Smith said the full proposed budget, the “wish list,” will be presented by Plante Moran on April 7 and then the sub-committees will go over department budgets with directors of those departments. He proposed a schedule of meetings that will take place before the new budget takes effect on July 1. No decisions were made on the dates.
The second action item on the agenda was to purchase a Diamond Products Core-Cut Concrete and Asphalt saw for $20,225. Smith explained that the city is seeking to perform more in-house sidewalk and concrete street repairs to save money.
Councilmembers asked DPW Director Frierson if she knew how to use the saw and she said in Fraser they outsourced the work and she had never used other than a hand saw for such work. Her employees were to be trained in use of the power saw.
Councilwoman Julie Kissel asked how much the blades cost to replace when that is needed and Smith said the blade is 30 inches and costs $825. It is 85 horsepower and in stock in Pennsylvania.
Councilman Jeremiah Beebe asked about the cost of other saws, service locations, and the warranty. He said he likes bringing more of these things in house to save money.
Mayor Voigt tabled action on the saw and Smith said he would get more information.
A fourth item that had been on the agenda for action had been removed from the agenda before the meeting without comment.
That was Smith’s recommendation to authorize him to close on the property at 330 Charles St. And execute documents on the city’s behalf. The agenda item said the inspections and title work have been returned and there are no major issues structurally with the building and the title is clear. A tentative closing was set for March 18 and then the city would immediately take possession.
In other items at Monday’s meeting, the council:
• Heard Special Deputy Stephanie Richards introduce herself as being from the Wayne County Sheriff’s office. She is part of a new program to reach out to the communities throughout the county to service them better. She is assigned to the Western Wayne communities;
• Heard Leroy Paige of Sumpter Township invite the council and public to the 5 p.m., March 21, ceremony at Belleville High School Auditorium to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam era and to honor the veterans of that era. He said it is sponsored by Warriors Journey of River of Life Church to honor and respect these veterans. He said Mayor Voigt and councilman Beebe will be participating;
• Under the Consent Agenda, without listing the events, the following events were approved: Flower Sale Fundraiser for Boy Scout Troop 793, selling hanging and potted flowers from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., May 10, on the Fourth Street Square; VFW Buddy Poppy Sales on Main Street at Five Points and High Street, May 8-10; and VFW/PLAV Memorial Day Ceremony at 11 a.m. at the Veterans Memorial on High Street;
• Heard Smith report the city has received the $58,228.66 marijuana fund payment from the state and he put it in the general fund for now. He reported the city funds in Michigan Class gained $17,812 in interest last month, which is $37,607, so far. He said DTE won’t come out for its free energy inspection until after the city has ownership of its new city hall. He said the installation of water meters is 66.5% complete. Smith also listed grants that have been applied for;
• Heard councilman Randy Priest ask if the Channel 4 camera on the city hall roof is working yet and Smith replied they were out last week to look at it; and
• Heard Mayor Voigt thank the DPW for already being out to work on potholes. He said he attended the Belleville High School Band’s spaghetti dinner and the city got its first newsletter out. He said the Governor is trying to get local road funding baked into its budget and he doesn’t know if she will be successful, but it is needed. He reported the new Blades & Fades salon is “a classy place” and that the DDA voted to join American Blooms and in June or July two consultants will come us to “help us up our game.”
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