The Belleville Area District Library will migrate from Sirsi-Dynix to CARL as part of The Library Network’s shared online checkout and catalog system.
At the March 13 regular meeting of the library board, Library Director Mary Jo Suchy said this is a huge undertaking for The Library Network and the 50-plus libraries who participate in the shared system.
She said in preparation, the library staff has spent the past several months cleaning up its database, making sure to delete any patron or item records that are out of date.
Staff training for the new system will occur at the end of April.
Director Suchy said beginning on May 11, they will be unable to edit bibliographic records until they go live on May 29. In addition, the statewide MeLCat interlibrary loan service will be suspended from April 1 to July 1.
The shared system will be down on Saturday through Monday of Memorial Day week end so that the final conversion can take place and the software from all third-party vendors can be tested.
She said CARL and The Library Network strongly recommend that libraries close that week end, since the public will be unable to check out books, use the catalog to find books, or obtain library cards.
The board voted unanimously to close the library on May 26, the Saturday of Memorial Day week end, as well as the regular Sunday closure and Memorial Day closure.
Board vice chairman Mary Jane Dawson, who was chairing the meeting, said, otherwise, staff could just show people books, but not let them take them out.
Suchy said the new catalog system will feature a much more intuitive public interface and will return better search results.
Deputy Director Hilary Savage said the new system is more of an Amazon search and staff will be able to take it out to the people and check out books to people not in the building.
“We’re excited about making this change,” Suchy said.
In other business at the 37-minute meeting, the board:
• Learned the bid package for site construction for the new library has been submitted to the city of Belleville for engineering and permit review. Bids have been solicited and will be opened at 2 p.m. March 27. The ceremonial 11 a.m., April 14 groundbreaking was discussed. Cake and light refreshments are being planned. Construction is expected to start May 1;
• Heard architect Dan Whisler report that the formal vacating of Fourth Street is still being worked on by attorney John Day. Whisler said it is unknown if this will impact the construction schedule, but May/June is the ideal time for site work instead of November/December;
• Learned board chairman Sharon Peters was absent and excused from the meeting because she has broken her ankle. Board member John Juriga was also absent;
• Learned the board hopes to have two meetings at the end of April to update the neighbors on the library construction. Whisler suggested they send out logistical information to the neighbors; and
• Heard Whisler announce that the fun meetings are coming where decisions will be made on colors and textures as the project continues. Up until now there has been a lot of painful decisions on budget cuts.
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