Wayne County has extended the time for people who had flood damage during last week’s heavy rainfall to turn in preliminary paperwork.
Local municipalities will be accepting the paperwork until 8 a.m. on Friday, May 10, said Dan Selman, executive assistant at Van Buren Township. He said the township’s offices open at 7:30 a.m. on week days.
He said the paperwork is on the VBT website and available at the township hall.
Last Friday, municipalities were alerted at about 4:30 p.m. that people had until 10 a.m. Monday to turn in preliminary reports on their flood damage. Many people said they did not hear of this until it was too late to turn it in.
The City of Belleville reported just two people turned in paperwork by the deadline.
This paperwork deadline was so the federal government could see the worst damage and make decisions on assistance.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Wayne County Executive Warren Evans had declared States of Emergency in Wayne County. The reports are so a preliminary assessment could be made on the counts and where help is most needed.
Sherry Olds of Sumpter Township, who has been talking with officials at local, state, and federal levels said she has been told pictures of the damage are a big part of the documentation and whether there is insurance or not is not a part of the report.
Flood damage to farms, mobile home parks, businesses, and homes can be reported.
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