Close to two hours was spent by the Van Buren Township Planning Commission on Nov. 10 considering by zoom a new version of the Sumpter Road Corridor Plan, the only item on the agenda.
It was presented by McKenna Associates consultant Adam Cook and VBT Director of Planning and Economic Development Dan Power after working with a planning commission subcommittee and input by officials of the City of Belleville and Sumpter Township.
Part of the previous plan called for small businesses along both sides of Sumpter Road south of Hull Road to Bemis Road. This was considered at an open-air public hearing at the township firehall at the corner of Hull and Sumpter roads in late July and there were lots of negative comments.
At its Sept. 8 meeting, planners went over the public input and established a subcommittee made up of Medina Atchinson, Callie Barr, and Jeff Jahr to guide them. There also was input from Belleville City Manager/Police Chief Dave Robinson and Sumpter Township Administrator Michelle Cole.
Director Power said the new plan refined some ideas for a future land-use amendment, adding mixed-use districts, different lots, and a menu of buildings that fit in with the neighboring area.
Cook went over the proposals in great detail with Power flashing text and maps on the shared screen to illustrate the changes.
The new plan calls for large subdivisions with one-acre gross-density lots, paths, greenways, and parks on either side of the Sumpter/Hull intersection, with a market on the southeast corner and agricultural areas continuing south of that until another commercial area at Bemis.
Cook said the Hamlet idea is his favorite and mirrors Chaney subdivision and could have a community septic system.
A market on the corner has been a dream for residents in that area for many years since Kroger considered developing there and then changed its mind. Residents in that area said they don’t like having to drive north through the City of Belleville and over the bridge to get groceries. Many say they choose to drive south instead to stores in Monroe County.
The Sumpter Road plan also includes different versions of mixed use and commercial at both sides of the corner of Bemis and Sumpter roads.
The plan also includes changes north of Hull Road behind the current buildings along Sumpter, north to the City of Belleville. A proposal on the west side of Sumpter that extends Roulo Avenue and/or Bak Road north to the railroad tracks would allow light development on that open property.
Cook showed a vision statement for the changes that the future use should be generally what it is now preserving the rural feel and open space.
He outlined in detail nine different building types that could be used in the back area of the lots if Roulo and Bak were extended. They included retail, liner and mixed-use buildings, artisan studios, barn buildings, kiln houses, maker-space buildings, and accessory dwelling units.
Two new kinds of lots described were anchor lots and shallow-frontage lots.
Power said this is the plan the commission would like to see developed if the property owners want to do so. He said the township can’t keep them from developing under the current zoning, but it is a hope for the development.
He suggested slip streets behind shallow-frontage lots along the east side of Sumpter between Hull and the city.
Power said the township will develop an overlay district and that will be presented to the commission when they bring the completed proposal to them.
Belleville City Manager/Police Chief Robinson raised his virtual hand to speak via zoom.
He said mixing residential, agriculture and commercial in this zoning could be encouraging doing certain things with marijuana. He said with solid business storefronts going in there people could build a residence there with four to five artisan buildings and medical marijuana caregivers could raise 12 plants for every patient times five patients.
Robinson said every single residence can have that and to have that in the middle of the district is a problem. Those artisan-size buildings could be used. He recommended the township get legal advice. He said he brought that up in the meeting, but wanted to say it again, “to nip it in the bud, no pun intended.”
Power said Van Buren Township has a solid ordinance and individuals are limited to growing in residential zoning districts only. He said they will make sure to address the loopholes.
He said that Robinson also had brought up the separation of barns at the back streets, to make sure splitting the property doesn’t make barns stand alone.
Power said they intend to bring the full draft of the zoning plan and overlay district to the commission at an upcoming meeting.
Commissioner Atchinson asked if they will have community engagement again. She said it is very evident that there was a lot of misunderstanding and a lot of people at the open house had bad information.
“Maybe they won’t like the Hamlet style,” she said. “Bad information will die and the truth of what we’re doing will come to the surface.”
Power said they will do a press release or put it on the township website now that they have a more solid land-use recommendation. He said state law calls for another public hearing.
“It’s a good time to get rid of the negativity on what we’re doing,” said Commissioner Bryon Kelley who was chairing the meeting.
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Why don’t you just leave our town the way it is. Why bring big buisnesses like krogers when there are alot of stores 10min. away. More stores mean more traffic, more crime, more people, more noise!! Speaking of noise, what’s up with all the jets flying over Bemis?
Then move.
Growth is a good thing. And that area needs a grocery store.
Besides, they gave a right to build there.
Kroger treats their employees like garbage, especially the one up in Canton and the ones in Ypsilanti. I hope the worst for that company and I hope they stay far away from Belleville.
I heard that bushes was looking into building a new store up there on sumpter Rd, not Kroger. Kroger tried a few years ago and wasn’t willing to pay costs for sewer and water taxes or something like that. They backed out because of something to do with that. And I agree with David. My son worked for Kroger. They don’t treat you well. At all.
From what I heard, dollar general is opening a new store up on Sumpter, up near the dollar tree. Dollar General, dollar tree, little Caesars and the tax place are being evicted from lakeside plaza (Kmart plaza) on rawsonville on January 2022. Dollar tree is already holding the closing sale and dollar general’s manager there confirmed to me they are closing and moving but she didn’t say where but she thinks up to sumpter Rd. The entire plaza is being demolished including Kmart.
The question has always been, who is lining the politicians pockets for this endeavor. It’s now clear that the marijuana industry is pushing for this. This project should go to a vote by residents, not politicians getting their pockets filled. We’ve all said we would rather see the current vacant buildings be fixed up and filled before adding new stores to the road. They will very likely all become dispensaries, tattoo parlors, Cash-for-Gold, and additional abandon buildings. With 65% of the buildings on Sumpter being abandon, why do you think this project will bring in new life? It will bring in more traffic and will eventually degrade the area once the novelty is over. But as long as the Grow-Houses can get more pot plants growing and politicians can get their pockets lined, then they don’t care anything about what the residents want.
Thank you Director Powers, Medina Atchinson, Callie Barr, and Jeff Jahr for proving the our voice means nothing to you!
Across the street from taco bell and applebees, right next to Belle tire on Belleville Rd they just demolished three houses that were vacant and a strip mall is being built. I really hope they don’t use it for … “Undesirable” businesses like weed shops and vape shops.
Van Buren Township has opted out of those kinds of businesses.
Thank God then. Last thing we need is more “prizes” from nearby Ypsilanti and Inkster coming here buying drugs and staying around causing trouble. Someone already started spray painting all over town. I keep seeing the tag “slime” all over. That just recently happened.
Let’s figure out a new plan for the rawsonville Rd area. The entire strip mall attached to the vacant Kmart will soon be empty in January (all leases have expired according to both dollar general and dollar tree) and the Payless across the street is abandoned too. This entire area needs to be focused on too. Or we will have a long abandoned strip mall and Kmart. Remember gault village up on south service and emerick in Ypsilanti? Yea let’s not get to that point. End this before it does.
I work at the Dollar Tree on rawsonville that is closing. Ours and everyone else’s leases ended at the end of December. If the employees of those stores don’t know how, they will when the doors get locked and locks changed. Everyone is leaving except the people at little Caesars seem to think they are staying which isn’t true. They’ll be evicted too. We were told by our store manager during the announcement that the former landlords sold it to an investment company who plans to tear down the entire strip mall and Kmart and replace it with apartments and smaller shops.