Longevity pay was voted into effect for township non-union employees by the Van Buren Township Board of Trustees in 1987.
It officially started Jan. 1, 1988. Since this time every full-time non-union employee received $250 per year of employment.
This amount is accrued every year with the accrued amount added to their paycheck.
Part-time non-union employees receive $125 per year which also accrues yearly, with the accrued amount added to their pay checks.
In 2010 the township board put a cap on the accrued amount at $5,000 for full-time and $2,500 for part-time employees.
The employees who were receiving over the capped amount at the time will stay at their current payout every year.
No new hires will receive the longevity pay.
The cost to the township for longevity pay grew to $53,660.84 in 2010, covering 24 employees.
Longevity pay is not related to performance, but it rewards staying on the job.
Longevity Pay, Van Buren Township, 2010
Employee Longevity Pay Accrued Longevity Total
Sharry Budd $6,250.90 $224.14 $6,475.04
Susan Ireland $5,529.53 $198.27 $5,727.80
Linda Stevenson $4,808.41 $172.41 $4,980.82
Pam Fleming $4,567.95 $155.18 $4,723.13
Diane Wilson $3,606.37 $120.69 $3,727.06
Bruce Ross $3,606.37 $120.69 $3,727.06
Kathleen Cline $3,365.91 $112.07 $3,477.98
Vernon Morse $3,365.91 $112.07 $3,477.98
Jennifer Wright $2,404.08 $ 77.59 $2,481.67
Sean Bellingham $2,163.87 $ 68.97 $2,232.84
Phil Hart $1,718.75 $145.83 $1,864.58
Lynette Jordan $1,442.50 $ 43.11 $1,485.61
Jeff Jahr $1,260.38 $104.17 $1,364.55
Steve Rankin $1,202.29 $ 34.48 $1,236.77
Ken Dandy $1,202.29 $ 34.48 $1,236.77
Todd Knepper $ 961.58 $ 25.87 $ 987.45
Linda Combs $ 858.26 $129.31 $ 987.57
Paul White $ 721.37 $ 17.24 $ 738.61
Leon Wright $ 721.37 $ 17.24 $ 738.61
Andrew Burns $ 480.92 $ 8.62 $ 489.54
Darwin Loyer $ 480.92 $ 8.62 $ 489.54
Al Ostrowski $ 343.75 $ 20.83 $ 364.58
Denise Partridge $ 343.75 $ 20.83 $ 364.58
Carl McClanahan $ 272.08 $ 8.62 $ 280.70
24 employees
Total $53,660.84