On Jan. 29, the Van Buren Township Clerk’s Office participated in an audit of the Nov. 6, 2018 General Election.
After every election, the State of Michigan randomly selects individual precincts in each county to be audited. The audits are performed by the county in which the municipality resides, which is the Wayne County Elections Division for Van Buren Township. The township’s Precinct #4, located in the Township Hall gymnasium, was one of the precincts selected to be audited
During the audit, ballots are hand counted with specific contests tallied to insure mistake-free results from the election equipment. The procedures that the Clerk’s Office staff performed before, during, and after the election are also evaluated for accuracy and compliance.
The VBT Clerk’s Office is proud to report that the County’s remarks on the evaluation were that the audit was “perfect” and “Election Inspectors and Election staff did an excellent job.” The remarks praised the township on how well the election staff executed the election.
Clerk Leon Wright said he, “would like to thank the office staff, the hard-working election workers from all 10 precincts, and the dedicated voters who all made this past November election a success.”
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