According to the July 21 meeting agenda released on July 16, Van Buren Township Supervisor Linda Combs will present proposed ballot language for the Nov. 3 election that calls for 6.5 mills for seven years for Public Safety.
The board is scheduled to vote on this proposal at its regular meeting July 21. The board meets at 7 p.m. in the township hall and the meeting will be cablecast live on VBT Cable Channel 12.
The existing 4 mills levied for Public Safety services will expire December 31, 2016. The 6.5 mills on the proposed millage will replace that millage: 4 mills renewed plus 2.5 new mills.
At a recent meeting, the board considered separate ballot questions for the 4-mill renewal and the 2.5-mill new millage. The board also discussed putting the 6.5 mills all out there at once, knowing it had more than a year to go back to the voters with the same or a different question.
The proposed ballot language is:
Ballot Question Proposal – Public Safety Millage
Shall the Charter Township of Van Buren, Wayne County, Michigan assess a 6.5 mill levy to provide funds for police and fire protection? The 6.5 mills ($6.50 per $1,000 taxable value) is to be levied against all property within the Township, pursuant to 1947 PA 359, as amended, for a period of seven years beginning December 1, 2017 which would be approximately $6,478,215 when first levied on December 1, 2017. This replaces a millage that expires December 31, 2016.
NO!! Why are they asking for a public safety increase when you have a fire chief who is getting paid and working at Schoolcraft college as an instructor during Van Buren time? I’m not paying him to pad his pockets. Why does this same fire chief have multiple township paid vehicles that he uses for personal use? I’m not paying for this expense. Why would I vote yes to increase the amount of money for the infamous copper/”fireman” gets to leave the station for hours on end to do personal business and he still “makes” $200K. Ya, I don’t think so!
I speak with many residents who feel the same way and frankly, we are tired of these corrupt people making promises they can’t keep. Whatever happened to the 5 beat patrol Laurainas?
Rumor has it there is video evidence of the fire chief’s wife driving the department issued vehicle. I hope whoever has the possible video takes it to an upcoming board meeting. If true, this is complete negligence and downright scamming of tax paid assets.
I don’t think it would matter if there is a video of a spouse driving a township car, it seems like the Supervisor is protecting the negligence of the fire chief and director. I think they would sweep it under the rug and forget about anything that happened. To really blow the doors off the person with the video should go to the media. The residents have a huge say so especially when it comes down to election time and voting for a tax increase.
Sounds like someone hired a private investigator and probably going to get egg on their faces when it hits the fan.
I do not understand how in the world this Township board or Public Safety department has the nerve to ask for not only a renewal but an INCREASE!! You already showed you have more money than you can handle, you pay people $250,000 for a $70,000 a year and a part time job! When money is tight you do not allow those things to happen, you have control over your budget. When money is easy and free flowing, this is what is allowed to occur. A free for all, a spend spend spend attitude. I will not vote for an increase and I will certainly not vote for a renewal. When you show you are responsible with the money you are entrusted with, then come to the voters. I also call absolute BULL on putting it on the ballot a year early so you can continue to make us vote until it passes. I am getting so tired of the elected officials in this Twp not listening to the voters. We vote no on the new HS, but they don’t like the answer so we re-vote and re-vote until they get the answer they want. We vote no on the library and they want a re-vote. They talk about re-voting on the PS millage if it doesn’t pass. where is my re-vote if it passes. I say the only “re-vote” should be to recall all these elected officials who REFUSE to listen to the public that got them in office.
Your last statement hit the nail in the head. These officials have disregarded the public outcry for resolution. I will sign a recall petition and I know MANY, MANY others who will also.
Recall Linda Combs, she plays Farmville on Facebook all day. Is this who you want in office making decisions based on our hard earned tax dollars?