More than 50 people were in the audience of the Dec. 1 meeting of the Van Buren Township Board of Trustees – and many wanted to talk about the proposed dissolving of the fire department duty crews and layoffs in the police department.
Speakers had to wait until the end of the meeting for the Non-Agenda Items spot on the agenda before they could speak.
Township resident Kathleen Walsh stood up at her front-row seat and stated, “There’s a big elephant in the room” that isn’t being talked about.
She said she has gone on the web site where they are talking about it.
She asked if a letter was sent to the fire department? Is there a big misunderstanding?
“Do we talk about things here? Does the fire chief teach at Schoolcraft College?” she asked.
Clerk Leon Wright said the fire department letter wasn’t sent by the board but by the negotiating committee to set up a meeting. He said it wasn’t to shut down a fire station or lay anyone off.
“The board didn’t send the letter?” Walsh asked.
Clerk Wright replied, “The board didn’t send the letter and if the board didn’t initiate it, ‘It’s just a letter floating around…’”
Treasurer Sharry Budd said the fire chief had approval from Supervisor Linda Combs and Public Safety Director Greg Laurain to teach at Schoolcraft.
“He handles what he has to,” she said of Fire Chief Dan Besson.
“He’s on call, but he had necessary approval,” Clerk Wright said, adding, the fire chief salary and benefit package includes paid time off.
Police Officer Chris Valinski said Clerk Wright said there was “a misunderstanding” and there was no directive from the board on layoffs. Officer Valinski said the union has been accused of scare tactics and there is friction and hostility in the department.
“There’s a huge white elephant in this room,” Officer Valinski agreed with Walsh.
He said the budget has just been approved and there is funding in place to maintain the staff of the whole Public Safety Department. He asked if somebody fabricated the layoffs.
“It has been discussed,” Clerk Wright said, adding there was a millage for 6.5 mills that failed at the polls. “I was asked to come to the fire department by my chief to discuss finances.”
An emergency fire staff meeting was held on the subject at Fire Station #1 on Nov. 25, in anticipation of the Independent reporting on layoffs.
Clerk Wright produced a chart on finances that he made for that fire department meeting and told the large audience on Dec. 1 that he had run off 50 copies to share with them. Few were interested.
Clerk Wright said from the time the voters passed 4 mills for public safety until now there has been a duty crew to staff the fire halls 24/7, while the value of the township dropped 30%.
“It’s going to take us 15 years at 2% increase a year to recoup,” he said.
In 2012, 4 mills brought in $2.2 million, Clerk Wright said. He said over the years the board has subsidized the decrease in funds and, “What the board is saying now is we can’t continue…
“If you keep paying your bills from your savings account, you’re going to run out,” Clerk Wright said.
Lt. Mark Buckberry, president of the POLC Command Officers union, reported on an incident that happened on Nov. 23 when he and Sgt. Louis Keele were talking. He said Director Laurain said the offer of employment for a new officer is now rescinded.
Lt. Buckberry said Director Laurain then said 5-10 patrol officers will be laid off, “Depending on how deep the board wants to go.” He said those were the only employees getting laid off. Laurain said he had to call POLC Patrol/Dispatch union president Adam Byrd to tell him to alert the patrol officers of the layoff.
“I am Officer Byrd’s supervisor and … I have never questioned his integrity,” Lt. Buckberry said, referring to Officer Byrd’s report that he got such a notice from the “employer.”
“The board is using scare tactics. Where is the leadership? Instead of discussing what happened … they talk about who to blame.”
Officer Byrd noted the board is not making cuts from this current budget to the next budget. He asked why they said he was confused at the work/study session.
He noted four weeks ago the board was talking about giving themselves raises.
Officer Byrd said with the last millage everybody made promises and that millage income runs through the end of 2017. The Visteon bond won’t be due until about 2019. The Public Safety Department is funded at the exact same rate it has been, he said.
Sgt. Marc Abdilla, president of the Michigan Association of Fire Fighters union local that also covers the “blended rate” officers, got up to speak although he was in pain after having major back surgery a couple of weeks ago.
He read part of the email to the fire department negotiators from the township’s attorney Ethan Vinson where Vinson said the township board is eliminating the duty crew.
Sgt. Abdilla said he has worked at VBT for a long time and before duty crews were put in place it took the fire fighters 25-30 minutes to come from their homes to the fire hall and then out to the scene. He said he has watched people die in freeway wreckage waiting for help.
“Mr. Hart, it could be your children in there,” Sgt. Abdilla said. “It’s absurd we’re even talking about it.”
He said he remembers when, in a recent letter in the Independent, the board told police officers to resign if they didn’t like their jobs.
“Nobody wants to discuss these lies,” Abdilla said. He said he remembers when Trustees Hart and Jahr shook hands with the police officers when they got sworn in as fire fighters [at blended rates].
Jack Ridenour, who said he was new in the community, said figures on Clerk Wright’s chart show the Public Safety millage has been going up for the last three years, not down.
He said 4 mills never covered all of Public Safety and the township is still paying about half, so he doesn’t see the problem. He asked why Public Safety expenditures jumped 10% in 2015.
Clerk Wright said they added the ordinance department to the police department and put aside $100,000. He disputed Ridenour’s interpretation of his chart and said he would be happy to sit down with Ridenour to discuss the finances.
CeJay Marshall said he was there to support the millage committee and stated, “You cannot operate on a deficit budget.” He said people in this community don’t want a tax increase, but when the landfill closes in the near future they will have to pay a lot more. He said the millage committee didn’t have the support of the Public Safety Department.
Abdilla said the budget problems are blamed on a classification of employees, which were called blended rate, but now are called “dual-role employees.”
He referred to the closed door session that the board held the day before to discuss MAFF negotiations.
He said according to SEMCOG (the Southeastern Michigan Council of Governments) the VBT Fire Department is the most fiscally efficient in SE Michigan. “Citizens of this community don’t deserve to go backward,” Abdilla said.
Officer Byrd said he and his family moved here from the City of Detroit for a safe atmosphere. He asked if he has to tell his daughter that they are going to have to move again because, “This board is going to make this area less safe.”
Officer Byrd said he never worked with the speaker “two back,” referring to Marshall, because he is extremely rude. He said police do intend to support the next millage.
Lt. Buckberry said the Public Safety employees think the scare tactics of layoff is not the way to get support and it gets exactly the opposite. He asked the board to choose and decide.
Former Township Supervisor Paul White said he has been in the township since the sheriff was patrolling. He said the reason the millage failed was because the 2.5 mills was added on and 2.5 mills would go into a segregated fund for Visteon.
“That is the reason the millage failed,” White said. “See the truth.” He said there is a $10 million balance in the landfill fund and the landfill, in his opinion, will be open until 2026, and a limited time after that.
“Somewhere, someone gave our fire chief and public safety director directions on what to say,” White said. “It had to come from above. Those two gentlemen wouldn’t do it on their own.”
Abdilla said it’s time to move forward and not be talking about laying off employees. He said all three unions will support a millage question.
“You got us,” Abdilla said. “It’s up to you what you do with us.”
Trustee Hart said property assessments fell 30% and Public Safety never has been properly funded – ever.
“I think the board is doing the right thing,” Trustee Hart said. “We hit a little blip … but we have to move forward. Taking in 4 mills doesn’t do it. I don’t want you to think we don’t support public safety. We do.”
Clerk Wright said he tries to tell the truth and, “No decision is going to be made to shut down a fire station, so eliminate that from your mind.
“Someone obviously dropped the gun and moved forward. I’m sure the treasurer didn’t do it and I didn’t do it,” he said, noting the Independent called him when he was 900 miles away over the Thanksgiving holiday to ask him about police layoffs.
“We met yesterday and had a good discussion,” he said of the closed-door session with MAFF negotiators.
He said 2.5 mills in the millage question that failed was dedicated to public safety and, “We can’t take it and use it for anything else.”
[At a public meeting, Supervisor Linda Combs explained that the plan was to get 2.5 mills more for Public Safety so that the board could take the 2.5 mills it currently appropriates for Public Safety and instead put it into a dedicated fund to pay off the Visteon bonds.]
Former VBT Public Safety Director Carl McClanahan said the township supervisor is the principal employer at the township. He said the police union was given an official notice that layoffs were eminent.
“Who made a decision to do it and why?” McClanahan asked and the room broke out in applause.
White thanked McClanahan for his question and then turned to the board: “The elimination of the duty crew and lay off of officers – If it is the desire of the board not to do that, all of you should say so.” There was no response.
“The dual role employees show up for work, work their shifts … the biggest issue is management of this budget … There’s $10 million in the landfill fund for us to use.”
“It is my hope the board will work with the union,” said Trustee Brenda McClanahan. “Do we want layoffs? No. I lived in a community where there were cut backs – and crime encroached. People could move away.”
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Paul White is only partially correct. The reason the millage didn’t pass isn’t only because of the 2.5 mils being dedicated to Visteon. The other reasons lie (no pun intended) with your Director of Public Safety and the Deputy Director of Fire Services (apparently the new Fire Chief title). Combs, Besson and Laurain are the liabilities here.
Papa Georgio, Public Safety Director Laurain is Combs appointment, not mine. Also, most of the current information has come out in the public eye since the proposed millage failed. However, with the current info, especially the failure to correct budgetary issues, the millage, which I understand the Board wants to bring to the residents again in May 2016, may already be doomed. especially if the 2.5 mill increase is attached to the millage request. The Visteon 3, ( Sharry Budd, Phil Hart and Jeff Jahr) are trying to cover their hinny before the the payment comes due in 2019.
Let’s not forget your current board members that have been in place for years while all of these things have been spiraling out of control. Buff was warned years ago what was happening to the budget with the blended rate situation… Her idea of handling that situation was to get rid of the person (who so nicely charted it all out for her) so it could be swept under the rug.
You must be talking about Budd and she is the silent cancer that has been spreading her toxins throughout the township for long enough. She thinks she is sly and escapes the wrath of poor decisions made by the township board. She is so egocentric that she doesn’t realize people are on to her corrupt ways. If she decides to run, her last name won’t carry her in for another seat this time around. Her reputation is enough to be her demise.
My point is: Remove the liabilities for a sound operating system.
I agree with Papa Georgio there is no leadership. Leon Wright had better come up with an honest answer as to who directed Laurain to advise the POLC union on impending police lay-offs.
And what’s with all the deflection coming from Leon about closing fire stations and dropping the gun?
There are some awfully poor decisions coming from Combs that has been on leave of absence since Nov. 2. Is it possible Sharry Budd and Leon are blaming all this recent craziness on her? Allowing a police officer to run a private business in a fire station. Allowing the Fire Chief to have a side job outside the township during normal business hours. FOIA Besson’s signed employment agreement for work schedule, use of township vehicle, compensation for emergencies and termination.
Linda Combs, Sharry Budd and Leon should read it.
With Combs on a leave of absence this provides someone for the Visteon 3 to hide behind. They can blame her as she’s not there to explain. Leon seemed very anxious to time everyone as the door bell was constantly ringing and he was very anxious to give Paul a “time’s up”. I know this is a way to keep things orderly but no one was disorderly. The police officers were well-spoken and to-the-point, fire fighters were passionate and well-spoken so they should all be allowed to speak and turn off that stupid door bell. Knowing what we now know that the millage request was not fully supported by the public safety unions; this was so obviously a scare tactic.—Fire-Training/2015-fall-fire-brochure.pdf
This was posted on the other article. 40 hours in this brochure, not including the team trainings. This is what our tax dollars are buying and you wonder why a millage didn’t pass.
You need to get it together officials. Make some changes now or you will not get a bail out from the tax payers.
Not sure why your link isnt working anymore…
Here is a new link:—Fire-Training/2015-fall-fire-brochure.pdf?sfvrsn=4
This is really disturbing. You have a supervisor who approves of a fire chief, the highest ranking officer in the fire department to work a second job. It seems as though the wife doesn’t realize or is lying to cover for her husband is gone more than the 3 hours per week that she quoted. It’s in writing here and in the letter she wrote. Thanks for proving what everyone already knows – you and your husband besson are dishonest! I have a huge problem with saying yes to my taxes going up (millage proposal) while the highest ranking chief appointed to do a certain job is busy working somewhere else. Does the board not see the major issue here?
Cut him loose. Get rid of the extra 2 vehicles that Mrs. Besson says he doesn’t drive (because only one at a time is in her driveway) and trim the fat. Your letter is a slap in the face Mrs. besson to assume the tax paying citizens are that gullible to believe your mistruth.
If they are appointed positions why doesnt Combs step up and remove Besson and Laurain and put in people to do good for the taxpayers. Sounds like with as much as Besson is doing a side job (also paid for by taxpayer monies) we dont need a fire chief, public safety director and police chief.
The voters have a lack of confidence in this current board. As most residents know there’s usually a lot of talk in the community on Thursdays after the Independent is read. Last Monday a well respected, long time resident said: “There is only one person in this community that understands the budget well enough to crunch the numbers and make it work and that person is Paul White”. I don’t think he’ll ever run for office again but he did work the hardest, long hours and promoted our township.
Lack of Confidence, Thank You for the comment. The decision to run for Supervisor will be made next spring, when the nominating petitions will be due. My health is good, and I feel great. My work as VBT Supervisor was a challenge to see how well I could do to benefit our residents. As most everyone knows, I am retired and have adequate income to support our household. Therefore, making decisions to benefit our constituents was easy.
I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the many extra activities required of the Supervisor, which the current Supervisor does not do, but delegates her duties to others. Many outside committees, conferences and classes were a great range of learning and promoting our Van Buren Township was a pleasure, with the opportunities and recreational area our residents enjoy.
Performing at a very high level was necessary due to the recession which challenged our Board with adequate revenues to continue at the level prior to our term in office. Also, working with others who tried to recall four of us was a setback in our forward movement. We did achieve a great reduction in the amount of expenditures in the budget.The General Fund Balance was increased by over $1.2 million dollars during my term, and we set the table for the current board. Working in a highly competitive supermarket atmosphere was a huge benefit to achieve this objective.
So, we shall see what winter brings and look forward to making a decision in the spring.
Former VBT Supervisor
Paul D.White
So we can hire full time employees (fire marshall today) but cant have duty staffing? Something smells fishy here. How are we hiring full time employees when the township cries broke?
Because this big dummy who is taking the job is leaving another job within the township. It means he doesn’t get blended rate anymore and a huge pay cut for him personally but a savings to the township.
Unless Besson has a plan to get him overtime or work a second job like he does and not show up to van buren fire department.
I have been following the politics since I moved to Van Buren about 4 years ago. It seems to have gotten to a new level and its pretty scary. I was just reading the letter from Cejay Marshall in today’s paper and he make some nasty accusations about an officer who I think does great good for our community. Adam Byrd has stood up for what is right and Cejay insinuates that he doesn’t know anything about unions.
It seems as though someone within the township board is giving him information to deflect their current situation. This is a critical error to have someone so vile be the spokesperson for the officials in the township.
Adam Byrd is highly respected in this community, for his bravery in standing up for what’s right, for his organizational efforts to improve communication, he knows the true meaning of a community advocate.
Linda Tackett is correct that the politics in VBT is getting pretty scary and her insight about the “vile spokesperson” is intriguing because he’s the one with “cloudy judgment” not Officer Byrd.
Papa Georgio speaks truthfully of the “silent cancer” that has been spreading her toxin throughout the township for many years. She has been known to refer to the township budget as “my accounts” & “my expenses”. Her need for control is at the expense of employees and the residents. The township budget is the job duty of the supervisor but king allowed this cancer to oversee the budget. White insisted on performing his duty and she did her best to make this as difficult as possible for the newly elected supervisor. It didn’t matter that White prepared a very good budget what mattered most was her loss of control. There is absolutely no doubt that she will run again and it won’t be because the township needs her but she absolutely needs this township job because it fills her need for control. This township will never move forward if she remains in office, her toxins will continue to spread especially if hart is successful as supervisor. These two are still members of the “cancerous clique”. If someone other than hart wins as supervisor and if she does not approve of this person, the residents of VBT should know that she will do her best to create havoc especially if the budget is taken out of her control.