May was declared Honor and Remember Month in Sumpter Township for those who made the supreme sacrifice, said Supervisor John Morgan at the board’s regular meeting May 9.
LeRoy Paige of Sumpter Township, who is director of the Michigan Chapter of Honor and Remember, thanked the board for its involvement in Honor and Remember.
He said 1.3 to 1.6 million Americans have lost their lives and 23 states have adopted the Honor and Remember flag.
Paige said the Month of May campaign is to recognize fallen heroes. He said a movement is in progress to get Michigan as the 24th state to adopt the flag. Citizens of the state will know the flag represents those that gave their lives, Paige said.
A second man, representing Honor and Remember, did not identify himself, but said he was appreciative that Sumpter recognizes Honor and Remember.
The board members then took turns reading the names of those lost in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Mary Sherwood said her brother-in-law, Foster Ellis Sherwood, died on duty with the Air Force during World War II, but she is having trouble getting his name on the list.
In other business at the May 9 meeting, the board:
• Heard Police Chief Eric Luke announce a medication drop box has been installed at the police department for people to drop off their unneeded medications to be safely disposed of. He said it looks like a big mail box and was given to Sumpter by the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority. He also said Senior Director Mary Ann Watson has a supply of medical disposal bags that can be used by putting medications inside, adding water, and then throwing them away in the trash. He emphasized medication should not be put down the drain or flushed down the toilet;
• Heard Supervisor Morgan announce he has appointed Trustee Esther Hurst as the board’s liaison to the Senior Citizen Department. He said Hurst has been involved with the seniors for 30 years;
• Approved the contract with Michelle Bellingham, as presented by attorney Rob Young;
• Went into closed-door session to consider an attorney opinion letter on township expenditures, modification of the fast-track agreement with Carleton Farms landfill, and the AFSCME contract. The board came back into open session and unanimously approved the AFSCME contract that runs from April 1, 2017 to April 30, 2020;
• Heard Trustee Matt Oddy report he has been following up on road problems with Wayne County Commissioner Al Haidous and the county’s five-year plan is being sent to Oddy. He said a new road complaint system is being tested by the county and the new phone number will be ready to be released in June. Supervisor Morgan said it is good for Trustee Oddy to build up a relationship with Haidous and, “Keep stroking him”;
• Heard Treasurer Peggy Morgan say the county is working on Sumpter’s roads and they are looking good;
• Heard Trustee Don Swinson say that it’s 2 ½ weeks away from Sumpter Fest on Memorial Day week end;
• Heard Virginia Belinski remind everyone about the baby contest at the festival. She also said Paige had a ceremony for James Belinski, who lived in the Upper Peninsula and she never met, but the ceremony meant a lot to the family;
• Heard Jay Bardell ask about the six women working inside township hall having to stay inside for lunch, while other departments can go where they want for lunch. Attorney Young said the township gave the union a choice, a paid lunch or not. Either stay in the building for the eight hours or close the building while workers go to lunch. He said they chose paid lunches inside. Bardell said the DPW goes home for lunch. “You’re assuming …” began Treasurer Morgan and Supervisor Morgan told her she was out of order and said Bardell was also out of order. Supervisor Morgan said to Bardell that he either can accept the logic of the agreement, “…or you’re here just to disrupt.” Supervisor Morgan said the workers had been sitting with their legs sticking out of cars in the parking lot looking like they are saying, “I’m on the beach.” With the new agreement, “When someone comes to your window, you can be found,” Morgan said. When Bardell tried to compare the rules with Ford Motor Co., where Trustee Don LaPorte works, Supervisor Morgan replied, “People are here that should be fired and aren’t because we aren’t Ford Motor Company.” Young repeated, “The union said this is the contract that we select”; and
• Heard Ronald Barrington Robinson explain why he doesn’t stand for the pledge to the flag (because of the character of the man who wrote the pledge). He also repeated his offer of $5,000 for information on the poisoning of his horses.
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