“Meet Up and Eat Up,” a program that distributes free summer meals for kids and teens each Friday in Rawsonville Woods mobile home park, started June 25 and will continue through Aug. 20.
Food Gatherers of Washtenaw County is providing meal packs including seven breakfasts, seven lunches, and one gallon of milk between 1 and 2 p.m. at the park office next to the pool. No registration is required and kids and teens are invited to come pick up the food.
This is the third year for the program. Betty Bush of Rawsonville Woods said she worked to get it started after children came to her door looking for food.
Text “Food” to 877-877 for site information, call (734) 761-2796, or see www.foodgatherers.org/summerfood .
Rawsonville Woods is at 10825 Rawsonville Rd., Sumpter Township.
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