At the May 6 meeting of the Belleville City Council, 34th District Court Judge David Parrott got up at the very end of the agenda to speak.
He was appearing as a member of the Belleville Rotary. He said the Rotary had sent him over with an offer for them to consider. He said he waited until the end so they wouldn’t feel it necessary to vote on it right away. Just consider it.
He said the Rotary is offering to purchase a 3’x5’ cloth banner carrying the “Four-Way Test” to display in their council chambers. The Four-Way Test is recited at every Rotary meeting and is considered a non-partisan and non-sectarian ethical guide to any area of life.
He said the Rotary would like to donate a banner to the City of Belleville, as well as Van Buren Township and Sumpter Township. He said actually Sumpter Township called them with the request.
He said banners had been donated in the past for local municipalities and posters were given to the schools.
This is what the banner would say:
The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, and do.
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
He said “Rotary” would also be on the banner. They can think about it.
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