Our reader who wrote to thank everyone for all the upgrades in the City of Belleville where he lives, didn’t realize that there’s a lot going on in Van Buren Township, just over the bridge, as well.
He’s right about Belleville, for sure. The city also has new summer workers in orange T-shorts who are cleaning up the city and the DPW yard has been tidied up. The city manager/police chief affirmed at a recent meeting that he’d like to build the new city hall on the city-owned property on Savage Road next to the DPW yard – and adjoining the approved marijuana business.
Those who have traveled around the area have seen the spiffy, new park signs at the parks around Van Buren Township. And, some of the roadwork has been completed by the county on the South I-94 Service Drive and is working its way from Rawsonville to Belleville roads. The roadwork on Haggerty, between Tyler and the North I-94 Service Drive is finally done. It was in its second year. It’s great.
Sumpter announces that the county has hired a crew to cut the roadside vegetation along the roads in the township and everyone is delighted. The crew started on Sumpter Road and it looks great. They’re heading for the side roads next. This vegetation made intersections dangerous.
Every municipality in the tri-community is trying to make their areas look and function better. Be sure to know the public appreciates the efforts.