In the printed version of the Aug. 15, 2024 issue, the Independent made a mistake in announcing Teresa Patton as the final winner of the 34th District Court judge seat in the Aug. 6 primary election.
She did get the most votes in the primary, but the top-two candidates will face off in the Nov. 5 general election to get the final winner.
The primary election results were:
Teresa Patton – 5,794
Robert Coutts – 3,110
Todd Barron – 1,972
Robert Coutts of Van Buren Township and Teresa Patton, also of Van Buren Township, will be on the Nov. 5 ballot and the winner of that contest will be the judge for six years.
The new judge will replace Judge Tina Brooks Green who is retiring.
We regret the error in the announcement on page 3.
Rosemary K. Otzman, editor
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