If you like to sing, the Belleville Community Chorus, with new director Suzanna Mathews, invites you to join it as it embarks on its 13th year of presenting diverse vocal selections for the enjoyment of the tri-community.
Whether you sing soprano, alto, tenor, bass, or you’re not really sure, you are welcome. They will find a place for you.
The Belleville Community Chorus is a non-profit organization, made up of volunteers of all ages who love to sing. Using a variety of choral music, it intends performances to provide enrichment, education, and enjoyment for its members and audiences in all of the Belleville-area communities.
Rehearsals are 7 p.m. every Monday beginning Sept. 10 at the First United Methodist Church, 417 Charles Street, Belleville. The chorus will be performing its fall concert in December. If you are interested in joining this engaging, fun group, just show up at the first rehearsal on the 10th. Note, this year the chorus is especially hoping to increase its men’s sections.
For more information, call Paula Pence Preston at (734) 725-1425 or email to mspaula35@hotmail.com .
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