These are this summer’s reunions of alumni from Belleville High School:
• Class of 1954 will hold its 59th class reunion the weekend of July 26-28 at the home of Lois Mida Zilka, 3226 S. Canton Center Road, Canton Township. Cost is $15 per person. Call Zilka at (734) 397-2675.
• Class of 2003 will hold its tenth reunion on Friday, Sept. 6. It will start out at 5:30 p.m. with a tour of the new BHS, followed by attending the home football game at 7 p.m., and continuing the party at Bayou Grill on Main Street following the game. Visit BHS Class of 2003 on Facebook for more information and updates.
• All-Class Alumni Banquet is Sept. 21 at BHS. Social gathering and tours begin at 2 p.m. Dinner is served at 5 p.m. Cost is $20 per person at reservation by Aug. 24; $25 after that or for walk-ins. For information call Anita Greca, chairperson, at cell: 734-637-5265 or email: .
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