The Van Buren Township Board of Trustees unanimously approved Chuck Covington’s request to put a memorial for his late daughter Egypt at Quirk Park.
At Monday’s work/study session and Tuesday’s regular meeting, Covington explained the memorial that would include three to five spring-blooming redbud trees, a bench or two, and a memorial with his daughter’s words on it:
“So grateful for spring. Although nothing is permanent, we still must not forget to have faith the flowers will bloom again … they always do. – A girl named Egypt.”
Covington has retained a certified arborist from Davey Tree Service and the company will plant, fertilize, provide water bags, and maintain the trees. The project is at no cost to the township.
The exact location of the memorial is yet to be determined since the township is working on a park master plan and it has to determine where the new waterpark will go in the spring.
Covington had suggested a fall planting, but it probably will be held off until spring. Supervisor McNamara said they want to make sure they don’t put the memorial where the bulldozers have to go to put the water park.
Egypt Covington was murdered June 23, 2017 in her home on Hull Road and her killer has yet to be brought to justice. The memorial is to be a celebration of her vibrant life, not a place to mourn.
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