Kathy Bailey, a retired teacher who lives in Willis, will be presenting another series of free classes to teach participants how to find information on their families for personal enrichment and to share with family members.
The series of six classes will be on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Sept. 21 through Oct. 5 and Oct. 26 and Nov. 9. The classes will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 941 South Grove Road, Ypsilanti 48197.
Bailey will teach participants how to search huge online databases, including FamilySearch.org and Ancestry.com.
The class also will include technologies for doing research, organizing family information, and learning of records that are available for various locations worldwide during different periods of time.
Bailey said the participants will learn of many resources that provide help when working at home or in a library.
To reserve a place in the free class call or text Bailey at (734) 660-1971, leave a message at (734) 461-6133, or email her at [email protected] .
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