On Friday, June 26, 2009, General Electric Co. announced plans to open a manufacturing technology center at Van Buren Township’s Visteon Village and eventually employ 1,200 high-tech employees.
The decision was kept secret with confidentiality agreements for those involved and Van Buren Township Supervisor Paul White didn’t hear of the finalized plans until 6 p.m. Thursday.
He said he was asked to stand by for an important call last Thursday evening and so missed the Democratic Club meeting and the Chamber of Commerce Dock Party.
“This is the best thing to happen to Van Buren Township in a long time,” Supervisor White said Friday afternoon after returning from the Detroit Economic Club morning meeting in Birmingham where the project was announced.
The state of Michigan is providing $74 million in incentives over the next 12 years to support the center. Van Buren Township will be asked for a 50% tax abatement, with the local abatement required to get the state funds.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm said the state’s $74 million investment is expected to yield $146 million in income taxes and other revenue over the 12 years.
The Advanced Manufacturing and Software Technology Center, which is expected to open later this year, will include a GE research and development facility staffed with scientists, engineers, software developers and other “knowledge economy” workers.
Gov. Granholm said GE will bring high-skilled jobs to Michigan and “These aren’t just any old jobs.”
The employees are expected to earn in the $100,000 salary range.
(Read the complete story in the July 2 edition of the Belleville-Area Independent.)