Since 1983, the Emergency Food Closet has been feeding the hungry in Sumpter and Van Buren Townships and the City of Belleville.
It has served as an emergency source of food for those that have lost a job, been injured, are ill, or are temporarily unemployed; for our seniors, veterans, and disabled who do not have enough food or income to last through the month; and those in need per referrals from our local schools and pastors.
It is housed, and is a mission, of the First United Methodist Church located at 417 Charles Street, Belleville. It is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you need help, please come by or call the church at (734) 697-9288. No one is ever turned away! Everyone receives food on his/her first visit.
To continue to receive food, you will need to bring a Michigan driver’s license or State ID, proof of residency (rent receipt, tax bill, utility bill), and a referral from the Salvation Army, Community Care Services, the Department of Health and Human Services, a school, or from a pastor.
The Emergency Food Closet is entirely dependent upon donations from the community: individuals, area churches, the Van Buren Senior Center, and local businesses. The Post Office Food Drive held the second Saturday every May provides many items that go into the weekly bags, as well, as free-choice food items and personal-care products.
How can you help? Donated food is ALWAYS needed. Canned fruits, vegetables, soup, boxed mac & cheese, peanut butter, jelly (in plastic containers), canned tuna & chicken, chili, and pork and beans are always needed. Check expiration dates before donating for expired food is not accepted.
Donate Money or Gift Cards: Gift cards to Meijer, Walmart, and Kroger are always helpful as they allow food to be purchased that hasn’t been donated or that is running low. Gift cards to Dollar Tree purchase personal care items. You can participate in the Meijer Simply Give Program by purchasing Simply Give cards at the checkout aisle when it is the Emergency Food Closet’s turn. By purchasing a $10 card, that money is donated directly to the Emergency Food Closet Meijer account which is used to restock the Food Closet’s shelves. If you would like to donate money, write a check and make payable to Belleville FUMC and write Food Closet on the memo line.
Join the Kroger Community Rewards Program: Kroger donates a percentage of Kroger Rewards Members’ expenditures back to local non-profit organizations. You can shop at any Kroger store and still acquire gas fuel reward points and digital coupons. To participate, one can sign-up by registering online at and follow the directions. The name of the organization is: Belleville First United Methodist Church or enter the NPO (DV468).
Volunteer your time! We couldn’t operate without our volunteers! We are always looking for additional help packing and distributing bags of food. Stop by the church and leave your name and number.
Minette Brownlee, Marilyn Wood
Coordinators, Emergency Food Closet