Bob Balderston and Carol Sundell have filed Declarations of Intent to run as write-in candidates for Mayor of the City of Belleville in the Nov. 3 election.
City Clerk/Treasurer Lisa Long announced that Balderston filed last week and Sundell filed on Tuesday.
Mayor Kerreen Conley had filed to run for reelection for mayor by the July 21 deadline and Phil Miller also filed for mayor by the deadline, so this makes four vying for the position of mayor.
The names of Conley and Miller will be printed on the ballot and those who want to vote for Balderston or Sundell will have to physically write their candidate’s name on the ballot.
Jack Loria and Tom Smith are running for reelection as council members and they are opposed by former councilman James Shrove.
— Rosemary Otzman, Editor
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